Oct 9 - 11 | 6:30-9:30pm | Bruce Wood Dance Gallery
About ASYC: El Teatro de Movimiento
ASYC / The Theater of Movement. Formed in 1991 after obtaining the INBA-UAM National Dance Award, at the age of 30, it has produced more than 60 stage works for all types of audiences. With a strong presence of theatricality in projects that involve and transdisciplinarity; always being the main axis the body. Considered one of the Mexican companies with the greatest presence on the current scene. Their main works are: TR3s, Filling the Void, Giselle Si Es Él, La Gaze del Deaf, Migrantes Errantes, LOFT, Untitled Film Stills and SAGA el Robot Actante. They have represented Mexico in the Czech Republic, China, Argentina, the United States and Chile, etc.